Our Target Groups
Since 1984, GENVP is working with:
- Women
- Dalit
- Children
- Adolescent
- Young people
- Persons with disabilities
- People living with HIV/AIDS
- Beggars & Destitute
Key Thematic Areas
- Health
- Women Empowerment (Dignity)
- Community Foundation
- Homeless
- Networking of Organization
- Behavior Change Communication
- Livelihood
- Agriculture
- Local Self Governance
- Dalit Empowerment
- Gender Equality and Empowerment
- Women & Child Trafficking
- Education & Digital Literacy
- Natural Resource Management
- RTI Act

Welcome to GENVP!
Established on 14th November, 1984 as a platform for discussion and action on developmental issues concerning the poor. Gramin Evam Nagar Vikas Parishad (GENVP) was founded by a group of like minded associates to involve the rural and urban poor in various developmental activities.
Our Approach
- - Direct Intervention with Community
- - Capacity building
- - Behavior Change Communication
- - Campaign
- - Advocacy
- - Networking
- - Research & Study
Our ongoing programs :
Engaging Champions to Expand Access to Improved and Quality Family Planning in Bihar
Gramin Evam Nagar Vikas Parishad as a Lead CSO is currently working to expand access to improved and quality family planning in 15 districts in Bihar. More....Institutionalizing Dalit Community Foundation
Dalit Community Foundation is a philanthropic institution established on 28th November 2018 by members of the Dalit community for all round development of the community members. More....Shanti Kutir, Nalanda
GENVP is running a Short Stay Home cum- classification centre for female Beggars / Ultra Poor at Nalanda in collaboration with State Society for Ultra Poor and Social Welfare (SSUPSW) which has established by Govt. of Bihar within the Social Welfare Department for working on the issues of Beggars / Ultra Poor under "Mukhyamantri Bhikshavriti Nivaran Yojna"(MBNY) publicly known as "PAHCHAN" in 2008 - 09. The functionary of short stay home named Shanti Kutir has been started in 2015.Geographical Reach in the Bihar
Coverage in Bihar state till date
Organization covered 22 districts of Bihar through direct intervention and whole Bihar through network.

Reach in Bihar state
Currently organization is working in 18 districts of Bihar through direct intervention and whole Bihar through network.

Achieved milestone since 1984
Organization achieved milestone through implementing different programs since 1984 which are following:
- Establishment of Dalit Community Foundation
(Supported by Global Fund for Community Foundation)
On November 28th 2018 by Honorable Acting Chairman of Bihar Legislative Council of Bihar, Shri Md. Haroon Rashid and Honorable Former Minister of Bihar, Shri Shyam Rajak; Ms. Jenny Hodgson, CEO of GFCF; Ms. Rita Thapa, Chairperson of GFCF, Nepal; Ms. Puja Marwah, CRY India.
- Launching Family Planning Alliance in Bihar
(Supported by Global Health Strategies)
On September 14th 2018 by Honorable Minister of Health, Bihar, Shri Mangal Panday, kind of alliance(network) of over 90 Civil Society Organizations focusing on building awareness and enhancing access to family planning services.